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yes they are brothers because if you have dbz budokai tenkaichi there is a skill you can unlock called friezas older brother and when you fuse it with the hatred for saiyains skill you get cooler so that proves cooler is obviously friezas brother. Also they mention it briefly in the movie when cooler comes.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Cooler is older than Frieza

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Q: Is cooler frieza's brother
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Why didn't they introduce us to Frieza's species?

A1: Friezas species technically was introduced by showing king cold ( friezas dad) and cooler (friezas older brother) A2: It is implied that Frieza, Cooler, and King Cold are mutants like the Ginyu Force. Look carefully and you'll see that Captain Ginyu looks kind of like a mix between Frieza's first and second forms, while Burter resembles Frieza and Cooler's fourth forms. Obviously Ginyu was stronger than Burter and both were weaker than Frieza's first form, but the point is that they all belong to a reptilian looking race of mutants who are some of the strongest fighters in the universe. Captain Ginyu mentioned that the Ginyu force were mutants while talking to Jeice. Frieza, Cooler and King Cold were probably the strongest of their species the way Vegeta was the strongest Saiyan. Of course Burter and Ginyu couldn't transform. We know Ginyu couldn't transform because if he could he would've in the fight with Goku instead of trying to switch bodies, and we know Burter can't transform because he's weaker than Ginyu. But even Burter, who was equal to Jeice and Recoome in his power level, was one of the strongest fighters in the Universe.

Who is frzzeas brother?

frieza's brother name is cooler and he comes out on 2 movies but not in the cartoons

Who is older freiza or cooler?

Cooler is older he even says in the movie i see how you defeted my younger brother.

Who is Cooler from Dragon Ball Z?

freezas older brother

Is Cooler Freiza's brother?

Yes he is freizas older brother. also he is king colds oldest son.