i think you mean, "Is Blayne Biondi cooler than Richard Kirtley?"
To answer your question, it is an opinion and there are no hard facts stating who is cooler than who. But I know someone who definitely thinks Blayne is cooler. :)
yes they are brothers because if you have dbz budokai tenkaichi there is a skill you can unlock called friezas older brother and when you fuse it with the hatred for saiyains skill you get cooler so that proves cooler is obviously friezas brother. Also they mention it briefly in the movie when cooler comes.
The song is called "Cooler Than Me" by Mike Posner.
freezas older brother
A YouTuber Who thinks he is cooler then Kool-Aid Man
Richard C. Laramay Invented the portable ice pack (or cooler).
Richard Brayton: I think the Young Drift Plains.
Richard Gere
Richard C. Laramy invented the cooler. Charles Strite invented the toaster. Many people were involved in the invention of the grinder, including John Wilkinson, Henry Maudslay, and John T. Parsons.
goku kills's cooler when cooler came to eath.goku kill's cooler by when cooler throw''s that big bomb goku throws is back and push cooler to the sun and killed him
goku didnt kill cooler in a episode. goku killed cooler in movie 6 the return of cooler.
episode 83 another transformation This is Freeza. Cooler is in the Cooler's Revenge and The Return of Cooler movies.
Richard C. Laramay of Joliet, Illinois is credited with the invention of a portable ice box/chest. The patent was filed February 24, 1951 at the United States Patent Office.
no ryans cooler
A parole springs from a cooler.
cooler that involves sports
yes cooler died