He died in season 4, while saving the mission to get Scylla.
Whatever happened to LJ in Prison Break?
yeh they do
No she doesn't appear in the series
This forum has all the latest episodes for Prison Break Season 2: http://www.flicksrealm.com/viewforum.php?f=7 You can also see all seasons of Prison Break for free. http://watch-prisonbreakonline.blogspot.com
Michael Scofield ends up in Sona Prison - with T BAG, Hamone and Brad Bellack.
they want you to believe that the caracter is dead to protect his family but the real oerson is not dead but still alive
Well I think and I'm pritty sure that he drowned (Died) we will miss yu brad also if yu have a xbox 360 add ZombieGladiator
Michael died in the last episode...
Yes! Prison Break season 4 was the last ever Prison Break ever of the series, Besides Prison Break - The Final Break which was the movie.
The duration of Prison Break is 2520.0 seconds.
prison break was not cancelled the show ended
There is no Prison break season 5.
Prison Break was created on 2005-08-29.
Prison Break-In was created on 2005-12-12.
Yes there is a list of Prison Break episodes in Wikipedia.
No, Paul Kellerman does not die in the Prison Break.