This forum has all the latest episodes for Prison Break Season 2: You can also see all seasons of Prison Break for free.
Prison Break Season 3 ended with only 13 episodes do the the screenwriter's guild strike in the USA. Prison Break Season 4 will have a full 22 episodes. PB season 4 premiered in the US on Sept 1, 2008 with a double episode and will end on May 15, 2009 with a double episode. (US)
Whatever happened to LJ in Prison Break?
There is not going to be a season 5. They're ending at season 4. I sucks. Made me really mad.It is really mad that there won't be Prison Break Season 5. But why? why...............................?
Season 7, Episode 15.
45 minutes
Tune in on Friday, April 17th, 2009 at 8pm/7 Central to see episode 17 of Prison Break Season 4. Rumor has it that it will be a double episode. Season 4 has 6 episodes left to air to complete its 22 episode season. This will be it. Fox did not pick up Prison Break for a 5th season.
No. based on the information i found, there are only 19 episodes in season 4 of Prison Break.
The Old Ball and Chain & Free (Final Break)
Prison Break Season 3 ended with only 13 episodes do the the screenwriter's guild strike in the USA. Prison Break Season 4 will have a full 22 episodes. PB season 4 premiered in the US on Sept 1, 2008 with a double episode and will end on May 15, 2009 with a double episode. (US)
The last episode on in the UK was season 4 last episode ever
type on youtube prison break ost season 3 and 4 "Dirt nap" ;)
The Mother Lode, episode 17 in the fourth & final season of Prison Break, will air on April 17, 2009. visit the FOX website for details.
There is no Prison break season 5.
they meet again in season 2 episode 10 - rendezvous :d
After episode 16 aired on December 22nd 2009 Prison Break season 4 went on its annual hiatus (mid-season break). The break was especially long this year but season 4 returns on Friday, April 17th to air its final six episodes wrapping up the series.
Try doing an online search to see if there is a place.
Prison break has ended there was a movie after season 4