She has come to Maryland before. She came to Washington, D.C. on January 7, 2008 in her Best of Both Worlds Tour ('07-'08) with the Jonas brothers. The concert was from 7PM to 10PM, then the meet and greet was from 10PM to 12PM. I went. It was a great show. ~Angel
yes, Miley Cyrus will be playing in South Carolina. where? she will be in Columbia around the colonial life area on November 28, 2009. i don't know how to get tickets, that's your problem!
It will tell you on Miley Cyrus breakout website you can also book tickets for them on there.
$50 a ticket
Miley Cyrus has 4 albums they are the oirginal Hannah Montana CD, her Hannah Montana 2/ meet Miley Cyrus CD her dance party album and her best of both worlds concert album
Miley Cyrus is a popstar Miley Cyrus is a popstar
No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
yes Miley Cyrus has a concert there
She doesn't have a scheduled tuor there at the moment. Maybe sometime in the furture.
Miley Cyrus is going to Salt Lake City, Utah for her Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds concert tour. I don't know the date scheduled for that event. turns out that she will be doing a concert there scheduled for October 10, 2008.
Miley have a concert in Louisiana because they asked her
Yes you can meet Miley Cyrus at a concert...does that answer your question?
miley and nick fell in love at the concert they did together.(the Hannah montanah and Miley Cyrus :best of both worlds concert)
Miley Cyrus is coming to the UK in December to do a 10 date concert! Go on ticket master to get your tickets. Miley is awesome!
yes miley cyrus does do concerts in ireland but i doont know when
She prays