She is coming to Australia at the end of this year :)
It will tell you on Miley Cyrus breakout website you can also book tickets for them on there.
hi this maida im your fan when is your concert
Miley Cyrus has 4 albums they are the oirginal Hannah Montana CD, her Hannah Montana 2/ meet Miley Cyrus CD her dance party album and her best of both worlds concert album
i do have skype but i wont tell you it cuz i wont give it to a stranger or just a fan for no reason
Miley cyrus last concert in australia was on her gyspy heart tour in 2011 i dont know when she will be back in australia on her next tour keep checking for her concert tour's
Miley Cyrus is coming to the UK in December to do a 10 date concert! Go on ticket master to get your tickets. Miley is awesome!
Please Go To To Request Miley Cyrus And Billy Ray Cyrus Comes To Australia!asThere Is NO News So Far Of An Aussie Tour For Miley/Hannah OR Billy Ray CyrusThis Answer Was Updated 17/01/2010 By Mitchell Bush
SELL all my stuff to buy Miley's concert ticket...
Yes she is in her 2010 concert tour. Starting in January, She will be touring Australia.
yes Miley Cyrus has a concert there
if you have no id for a Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus concert you can get in as long as you have a ticket or if you want to meet Miley you have to have a back stage pass. you got that, good know leave me and my knowledge alone and go watch Hannah Montana.
***************HERES YOUR ANSWER************ TONS OF INFO HERE:
Miley have a concert in Louisiana because they asked her
She prays