I dont know what episode but this otter demon kid want help inuyasha and the others to bring his father alive and kagome asked sesshomaru to save his father but he said no but But his sword shakes and saves his father then the otter was cried for joy
episode 35
Episode 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga
Rin first appears in episode 35 after she finds Sesshoumaru. I don't recall all the episodes, but my favorites are episode 80 and 81 (Rin is kidnapped and Sesshoumaru saves her), episode 96 (Jaken Falls Ill. Sesshoumaru saves Rin from falling off a cliff after she tries to find a cure for the poison that the Saimyosho injected into Jaken) and 162 (my ultimate favorite where Rin is kidnapped again and Sesshoumaru is attacked by a pack of monks. He battles them and then gives Rin a second choice; whether she would like to continue following him or stay with humans). She appears in Lot's more. These are just my favorites. Oh yes, she appears in the last two episodes (166 and 167).
There is an episode where she is kidnapped by a sage. Where she is taken into a bath that paralyzes her, and Inuyasha walks in. It's hilarious! Episode 57-58
The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked. The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked.
Episode 79 of Inuyasha
episode 35
Episode 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga
In episode 116. They are looking for rin who was kidnaped and jaken got off subject trying to talk to sesshomaru who was ignoring him at the time.
# InuYasha(the dog demon who loves kagome and kikyo) # kagome(the human girl with a sacret powere/she's in love with inuyasha) # Sango ((the demon slayer) # miroku(the perv/monk) # shippo(the fox demon) # naraku(the bad guy) # kirara(songo's cat demon) # Sesshoumaru(inuyasha older half brother) # Rin(the little girl that follows Sesshoumaru around) # jaken(sesshoumaru's little helper) # Band of seven(evil crew tried to kill Inuyasha and the crew)
Episode 96, I think.
Rin first appears in episode 35 after she finds Sesshoumaru. I don't recall all the episodes, but my favorites are episode 80 and 81 (Rin is kidnapped and Sesshoumaru saves her), episode 96 (Jaken Falls Ill. Sesshoumaru saves Rin from falling off a cliff after she tries to find a cure for the poison that the Saimyosho injected into Jaken) and 162 (my ultimate favorite where Rin is kidnapped again and Sesshoumaru is attacked by a pack of monks. He battles them and then gives Rin a second choice; whether she would like to continue following him or stay with humans). She appears in Lot's more. These are just my favorites. Oh yes, she appears in the last two episodes (166 and 167).
There is an episode where she is kidnapped by a sage. Where she is taken into a bath that paralyzes her, and Inuyasha walks in. It's hilarious! Episode 57-58
Hmm...I don't think there is an episode where Rin gets sick...amazingly considering she is constantly traveling outside in a flappy kimono without shoes or a blanket at night....Jaken gets sick though in the Inuyasha episode titled "Jaken Falls Ill".
The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked. The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked.
watch inuyasha he is the little green gay toad thingy.
It's not known. In the final animated episode of the Inuyasha series (Episode 26 of the Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen or Inuyasha: The Final Act, titled "Toward Tomorrow"), Rin is now living in the village with Kaede. Sesshomaru still journeys with Jaken as always, but he returns to the village to bring Rin gifts, such as a new kimono.In the narration, it is said that Rin is living in the village so that she can learn more about human ways, and that "when the time comes," she can choose where she wants to live. Presumably, her alternatives are with Sesshomaru (a demon) or in the village (with humans and Inuyasha).You can watch this and the other episodes in The Final Act by going to Shonen Sunday's anime website.