yeah mine wont turn on like it says kins chat server can not connect and i cant even use the cub house it stinks.
Turn on the TV show and talk to the screen. Hannah Montana is not a real person, so you can't "talk to" her, for free or otherwise.
WikiAnswers will not provide private contact information for celebrities and individuals alike.
First you go to Squidward's house and ask him about his radio .Then you turn it off and go into his dining room and get his new phonenumber .Once you've done that you go to your bathroom and get his toothbrush .Try and phone Squidward if your phone doesn't work go out your back door and chase away the guy fixing the phone pole and fix your self go back phone Squidward and go and get the toothpaste
You need to go somewhere that no one else will be. Put on some headphones to let people know you are busy and turn your phone on silent.
I mean I'm a pretty nice guy and people say that I'm funny and that I have beautiful eyes. I hang out with 2 people at lunch but sometimes i feel that im just an awkward 3rd wheel. I never or very rarely hang out with people after school. I see other people at places when I am there with my family and they are there with their friends and I almost never go places with friends. I post things on facebook but i never get any comments or likes or chat messages. I don't have to turn off my phone in a movie theater because no one ever texts me. I feel like I make an effort but after I invite people and we go places they never invite me to go places with them. Why does this happen?
Try logging out of your account, then log back in and try it again. Keep trying, sometimes it's just finicky.
you really can't fix it.but the only way to fix it is to get a new account.
Their is a little thing in the lower left hand corner that looks like a pager click on that and turn it on. You will have to add your friend and once they accept the invite. Their are different color zones and your friends smiley face will be light if your in the right color zone. From there you can invite them to your house or to play games but no chat. Only chat is in clubhouse or your pets house and it is guided chat. kinz chat plus in the clubhouse allows you to chat safely and blocks any words or numbers from being shown so as to guard the kids that are on the site.
click change room or turn on your phone an change it to whatever color.
First, go to your phone and turn it on. Then click on add on your phone. Lastly type in your frinds user name and when they log on the next time they will have a choice to add you, say no to, or BLOCK you.
To do voice chat you have to enable video chat. You can also enable a phone call from your chat window. These are your two current options.
It is quite easy! No worries though. First log into your account. Next turn on your kinz Phone. After that, go to the Tournament Arena. Then click on PVP (Player vs. player) Mode. Lastly, click on Quizzie's Wiz Kinz and click on search! Good luck and Ave fun :-)
you can by selling them at the sell area at the wshop but you only get 5 kinzcash =(
Webkinz has not been around that long so who knows.
Webkinz are produced by the Ganz company, which in turn was started by Samuel Ganz.
no worries if you want friends just turn on your cell phone and go to the tournament arena or clubhouse and if you have like a best friend who has a webkinz account just type in their user-name i hope this helped!!!! ps. my user name is wolvesrule123
Turn your webkinz phone on and click on the 'add' button. Type in the name of the host you want to be your friend, and if you type it in right, it will say 'Your message has been sent'. Then you have to complete a certain task, for example, if you want Ms. Cowoline to be your friend, you have to complete three classes before she accepts your request. Hope that helps :)