you really can't fix it.but the only way to fix it is to get a new account.
It is VERY SAFE FOR KIDS! Kids love webkinz, they have a clubhouse witch you can chat in but you don't have to go in there.
The only way you can get ban from Webkinz is the Kinz Chat PLUS. If someone says a bad word to another person, that person can use the box on the the left side of surveys to tell the creators that someone was mean. Remember, only Kinz Chat PLUS you can get ban from.
Yes. You will be able to play a bunch of games, and buy clothes or go to the clubhouse or park and chat with your friends or make new ones! Webkinz makes new webkinz every single month, so you'll always find one you'll like! Webkinz is a very fun website. I always play on Webkinz and I am 11 i have been playing since i was 8 or 7! I still love it! and what I said isn't even all of it there is so much more than what I told you! Make the wise decision, and play webkinz!
First you click on the toon's name. Then on the toon's panel you see a whisper button on it. Hit that and the 3 buttons appear on the left side of screen. First one is chat which you click to whisper a toon using chat. ( For those that see that the chat button is transparent its because ether you didnt activite speedchat plus on website or that toon your whispering to doesnt have chat activited ) The second button is speedchat which whispers to a toon using speedchat. The last button is a cancel button. It doesnt do any whispers it just gets you out of the whisper section.
the ghost will pop up in anyroom at the clubhouse you have to click on it and it will give you one piece of webkinz candy you can only get a piece of candy from it every three hours !!!!!!!That is a great question! First of all, the webkinz ghost only in in webkinz October. And I have only seen the ghost in one room and that is the Trading room. And since I go on kinz chat plus most of the time, he might just be there but. Remeber, there might be other rooms but this the one that I saw him.
Using your "chat phone" on Webkinz.
As many as you WANT
yeah mine wont turn on like it says kins chat server can not connect and i cant even use the cub house it stinks.
Try logging out of your account, then log back in and try it again. Keep trying, sometimes it's just finicky.
Find them at the chat rooms on webkinz.
In the Kinz Chat Plus clubhouse at the Restaurant or the Trading Room.
It is VERY SAFE FOR KIDS! Kids love webkinz, they have a clubhouse witch you can chat in but you don't have to go in there.
Club Penguin is much better then webkinz because it is a world where you can chat with other penguins
I am not sure but probaly use chat and ask sombody
I think the answer is kinz chat plus.
Because it doesnt like you!