First, go to your phone and turn it on. Then click on add on your phone. Lastly type in your frinds user name and when they log on the next time they will have a choice to add you, say no to, or BLOCK you.
All the webkinz are posted on Webkinz world.
Well You Can't Get Married to Another Person through Webkinz World.
You half to buy a delux webkinz pet. Go on type in deluxe webkinz, they sell them cheap their.
You can see a full list of Webkinz badges on Webkinz World News. There are 37 different badges you can receive for your accomplishments.
they swim in pools u can buy at the W shop or in the park pools
i asked you to be my friend on webkinz world I'll try user name is vitty1234
the webkinz prize machine is a part of webkinz world for deluxe members. if you click the button it gives you an item. i get very disappointed when it gives me food. Add me as a friend my user name is SashaRocks777
Webkinz World is a very safe program for little kids, older kids and adults. You can take care of them in Webkinz World and take them to a doctor too! They are like your very own friend and they need you to take good care of them. Everything in Webkinz World is absouloutly safe. They control the language used in the chat room too.
webkinz world
There is some of the Webkinz arcade games for Ipod Touches and there is Webkinz Friends for Ipads. Just not Webkinz World.
No, you can't sled in webkinz world.
There already is a Webkinz world online. Questions TO Webkinz should be asked on the Webkinz website, not on WikiAnswers.
If you hear a door bell chime on webkinz world, it means a friend you have invited over just entered your house. If you hear the door shut, it means they have left.
You can get it from a friend, who gets it by clicking on the ad that appears in the column on the right hand side. :]
In the world about 116 webkinz where made
A place in Webkinz World where you can earn Kinzcash
All the webkinz are posted on Webkinz world.