Well in most songs it means it has a really fast and constant beat.
When you filter music, you bleep out all the cuss words. The music you normally hear on the radio is usually filtered.
A Sanskrit word for music.
Music played in a harmonic, chordal texture.
Spicy means a food has been flavored with spice. The word spicy is often used in referral to the amount of heat in a dish, such as chile peppers.
The adverb form for the noun spicy is spicily.
In Punjabi, "katya" can mean 'sharp', 'spicy', or 'cutting'.
a hateful/mean/unpleasant person
"Spicy" is an adjective. It is used to describe the taste of food with a strong, pungent flavor.
If you mean the word "music," it's "Musik."
In crossword puzzles, "spicy stew" is usually "olla."
spicy or hot