Naughtia Childs is 5' 2".
Peter Childs - actor - was born in 1939.
Gladys Childs Miller was born in 1902.
Toni Childs was born on October 29, 1957, in Orange, California, USA.
Amy Childs Birthday Is The 7th June
I can't really remember, but it doesn't even matter because he's deactivated and will appear offline all the time.:( smarter child does not work anymore
No he doesn't It's probably other software on your computer have a nice day
Hey, MSN Bots are not spams, but just fun computers to talk to. An MSN bot is name smarter child and is just a computer programed to respond to your comments, but don't worry because they don't screw up you computer because they where made by the people who made MSN. So I hope I helped ;D
This question make absolutely no sense at all. It is a unanswerable question. There must have been a typing mistake, but what is was meant to be, remains unknown.
Gilbert Childs's birth name is Gilbert Jefferies Childs.
Childs Frick died in 1965.
Amy Childs's birth name is Amy Andrea Childs.
Martin Childs's birth name is Martin David William Childs.
Thomas Childs died in 1853.
Daniel Childs was born in 1988.