I dont remember it mentioning why she did, I guess she just wanted a child?
For the wolves, they changed Bella, bred a dangerous creature. And for the Volturi, it was a misunderstanding by Irina who considered Renesmee as an Immortal child which are forbidden to create.
The volturi want to fight the Cullen family because of renesmee ( daughter of Bella and edward ) also because Bella is not a vampire and she knows to much about vampires. hope this helps x
Little Edward.
Yes, the Volturi leave the Cullens and the werewolves alone in Breaking Dawn right after the almost-fight. Irina(one of the sisters living in Denali) sees Renesmee with Bella and Jacob and thinks that she is with an immortal child which killed her mother. So Irina goes to the Volturi and tells then what she seen with the Cullens.Alice sees the Volturi coming and she leaves the Cullens without an explanation, only telling them to get all of the wittnesses they can possibly get, to show through their mind that Renesmee is not immortal. When the Volturi finally meet with the Cullens nearly a month later, they see in the wittnesses minds that Renesmee is not immortal, and Alice comes back with a half-vampire, half-human child back to show the Volturi that she will stop growning in about 10-18 years of life. After the almost-fight meant to eliminate the Cullens and the wrewolves who had also came to wittness, they decide to leave in peace-for now...
breaking dawn is about BELLA getting married and also becoming a mother voltori doesn't let immortal [children that are vampire's] live. Bellas daughter looks like an immortal child. JACOB has a part to when the wolves decide to kill Bella's baby while the baby is still in side Bella .Jacob imprints on renesme[bellas baby]!!!!!! will Bella's family die?will Jacob get a chance to be in love?will the voltori win or lose? MUST READ TO ANSWER
Immortal Child means a child who has been turned into a vampire.
For the wolves, they changed Bella, bred a dangerous creature. And for the Volturi, it was a misunderstanding by Irina who considered Renesmee as an Immortal child which are forbidden to create.
She was killed by the Volturi, because she made a immortal child. (Sorry for my bad English)
The Volturi comes at the end of breaking dawn as Irina had told them that Renesmee was an immortal child without actually seeing her upclose. So she was wrong. Immortal children cause alot of disturbance and are very dangerous so the Volturi will not tolerate them.
The Vulturi think Renesmee is an immortal child and so the Cullens find witnesses to prove them wrong.
The people who come after Bella and the Cullens in Breaking Dawn is the Voultri. Irina Denali goes to them telling them the Cullens have an immortal child and they come to kill them. It is proven that Bella gave birth to the child and they leave them.
The conflict in Breaking Dawn is that the Voultori are coming for the Cullens, because Irina, a vampire from the Denali coven, thought that Renesmee, Bella and Edward's child, was an Immortal child, and the Voultori's laws prohibit immortal children. The Voutori come for the Cullens and Irina is called up, tells Aro, the head of the Voutori, what she saw. You should read the book if you want to know the rest.
Irina is in the Denali Coven, with her "sisters" Kate and Tanya. In the end, she is killed by Caius of the Volturi for having said that Renesmee was an immortal child when she was not.
Bella and Edward's baby is mistaken for an Immortal child, which is illegal to create as decreed by the Volturi due to the fact that they had no impulse control and are supremely dangerous. Tanya, Kate, and Irina's mother/creator was killed when the Volturi found out that she had created an Immortal child, without telling the sisters, which is why they were spared. Irina saw Nessie (half human, half vampire, FYI) and believed she saw an Immortal child.
I Breaking Dawn, Renesmee has an unusual power to comunicate by touching you. Jacob imprints on her and a while after that, Irina (Laurent's mate) saw Renesmee and she looked like an immortal child so she went and reported them to the Volturi.
Sasha is only in the movie for a few moments...when Bella finds out the Volturi think Renesmee is an immortal child they have Edward and Carlisle explain the children to her. They then show Sasha yelling and screaming for the Volturi not to kill her immortal child Marcus,Felix,Demetri executed her