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it make the small yu-gi turn into big yu-gi and the have two minds

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Q: In Yu-Gi-Oh what does the millennium puzzle do?
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Where can buy yugioh millennium puzzle I will not buy it on amazon or ebay.?

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Yugioh How many Millennium Items were there?

Canonically, there were seven Millenium items - Puzzle, Key, Rod, Ring, Necklace, Eye and Scale. Spinoff media might have mentioned others.

How does yu-gi get the millennium puzzle back after the end of season 5?

Yugi doesn't have the millennium puzzle because the millennium items are not there no more.

Is there new Yugioh millennium items. I heard there was new millennium braclets and sash and earrings and etc. Is it true?

Is there a real millennium puzzle?


What are the names of the seven millennium items in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Millenium puzzle millennium key millennium rod millennium necklace millennium eye millennium scales millennium ring

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What are the 7 millennium items?

millennium puzzle/pendant yugi the millennium eye pegasus the millennium ring bakura the millennium scale shadi the millennium key shadi the millennium touqe/necklace ishisu the millennium rod marik

Before you start a duel in Yugioh stardust accelerator what does the millennium item thing next to your name and deck name mean?

When you start a duel, there are basically 3 symbols: a figurehead, a deckholder, and a Millennium Puzzle. The figurehead represents the duelists and lists the name of said duelist next to it. The deckholder represents the deck the duelist is using and the name the duelist gave to the deck. And lastly, the Millenium Puzzle represents the duelist's rating (or in your case, your Wi-Fi rating) and lists how much rating they have next to it.

Does bakura die?

No but part of his soul has been transferred into the millennium puzzle. It is not clearly shown whether Bakura died or not. In the real past, Zorc, who had been controlling Bakura, was transferred into the Millennium Ring like the Pharaoh was transferred into the Millennium Puzzle. The real Bakura may have died long ago while Zorc and the Pharaoh stayed in their Millennium Items until the modern time and in the Memory world.

Is it true that if the Millennium Puzzle is destroyed will Atem disappear?

Yes, in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, if the Millennium Puzzle is destroyed, Atem, the spirit residing in the puzzle, will disappear along with it. The puzzle acts as a vessel for Atem's spirit, so its destruction would lead to his departure.

How do you solve puzzle duels in Yugioh reverse of arcadia?

It will be hard to say but the best thing to do is look on youtube for the answer. That way you can see what to activate and summon etc.