Canonically, there were seven Millenium items - Puzzle, Key, Rod, Ring, Necklace, Eye and Scale.
Spinoff media might have mentioned others.
Millenium puzzle millennium key millennium rod millennium necklace millennium eye millennium scales millennium ring
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Millenium puzzle millennium key millennium rod millennium necklace millennium eye millennium scales millennium ring
NO HE DID NOT IN THE YUGIOH SAGA ATEM barly became pharaoh of egypt he did not have time to choose a queen also because his rual was cut short by zork when he locked himself and the darkness in the millennium items
millennium puzzle/pendant yugi the millennium eye pegasus the millennium ring bakura the millennium scale shadi the millennium key shadi the millennium touqe/necklace ishisu the millennium rod marik
The Millennium Items consists of the:Millennium PuzzleMillennium EyeMillennium RingMillennium ScaleMillennium KeyMillennium RodMillennium Necklace
Yugi doesn't have the millennium puzzle because the millennium items are not there no more.
The Millennium Items are fictional objects from the manga and anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!. They do not exist in reality.
There are 1,000 years in a millennium.1000 years is called as a millennium.
they are 1000 years in a millennium
31,557,600,000,000,000 microseconds are in a millennium.