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They arrived not too long after Bilbo's birthday, which is September 22nd, and they spent a little over a fortnight at Laketown. And it was the last week of autumn when they found the back door and opened it, which would have been about December 14th.

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Q: In The Hobbit written by J.R.R Tolkien how long are all the dwarves in the Lonely Mountains?
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J.R.R. Tolkien is the author of 'The Hobbit'.

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The movies do not tell why the Dwarves are hated in The Hobbit and The Hobbit DoS. However, it is believed that past wars and experiences are the reason the Dwarves are hated.

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I suspect you are alluding to Dwarfs as opposed to Dwarves. Tolkien expanded at some length on his choice of spelling in the appendices to Lord of the Rings, but intrinsically - and certainly linguistically - he was in the right.

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The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.

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What is the difference between a hobbit and a troll?

Trolls are much bigger than dwarves and hobbits, at least in Tolkien's world of Middle Earth. They are almost the equivalent of giants. They could pick up the hobbit with one hand.

Who authored hobbit books?

The book was supposedly written out by Bilbo Baggins.It is by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, more commonly known as J.R.R. Tolkien, published September 21, 1937. He also wrote "The Lord of the Rings" and several other works that take place in the same universe as such as The Silmarillion and the famous The Lord of the Rings trilogy.