The movies do not tell why the Dwarves are hated in The Hobbit and The Hobbit DoS. However, it is believed that past wars and experiences are the reason the Dwarves are hated.
The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.
The elves in "The Hobbit" did not know how the dwarves could have travelled there. They thought the barrels were all empty.
It is the most prized jewel of the Dwarves
Smaug doesn't recognize the scent of Hobbit, although he knows what dwarves and men smell like.
They were wrote by dwarves but you cannot see them
The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.
Dwarves are slightly bigger
they are impatient
mails and weapons
The dwarves are happy because they are treated well with great houses.
They dwarves and the hobbit hear the Wargs howling.
Their treasure back.
Thorin BalinDwalinBifurBofurBomburDoriNoriOriFiliKiliOinGloin
There are lots of creatures in The Hobbit. There are hobbits, elves, dwarves, and wizards to begin with...