If she says this , it is exactly what it means. I like ice cream and beyond that, it means nothing.
Harry doesn't mind the colour of a girls eye. But he says he prefers blue eyes on a girl but he likes all colours. He likes a girl with really pretty eyes
It means he wants to f**k your girl
Not sure which girl you mean but the little girl at the end with the curly hair that says "bundling" her name is Merit Leighton www.meritleighton.com
gyal means girl
How could you even ask that? No way, he is not! i can assure you he is not gay it says in my book about the wanted that he is girl crazy and what time of girls he likes. He says in a magazine he has had quite a few snogs lately there is an article and a picture of him snogging a girl
If a girl says you smell good, it just means she likes how you smell. It doesn't necessarily mean she like you.
It means she likes you
The girl could be implying by saying she likes you pupils that she really likes you eyes.
When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.
She likes you! Go for it Dude!
That he likes you and want you to be his girlfriend.
It means she only likes another guy's face!
It means she likes you.
you get with her and ask her out then rape her
She likes you. Plan and Simple!
Just because a girl thinks you have pretty eyes does not mean she likes you. It could just mean that she likes your eyes.