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She likes you! Go for it Dude!

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Q: What does it mean when a girl says she likes you as more than a friend?
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What does it mean when a girl tells you that you're not her type but still likes you?

She wants to be your friend, but nothing more.

How do you act like your friend if your friend likes the girl you like and the girl you like likes your friend more?

I would just switch girlfriends with my friend, but that's just me.

What does it mean if my friend asked a girl if she wants me to ask her out and she says she doesn't know because she likes the way things are but?

Being a girl, if I said that I would probably mean I like you as a friend and nothing more.

How do you know if the girl that is your best friend likes you as more than a friend?

Ask her.

What does it mean when my ex girl friend don't want to be with me but she likes to have me around and we chill everyday?

it means she likes ur company as a friend but if u want to be any more than that its not gonna happen

How can you tell if a girl likes you as a friend and not any more?

By talking to her about it.

What does it mean when a girl says you're so much more than a friend?

I am pretty sure she's hinting that she likes you.

What does it mean when a girl says she likes you more then a friend?

She's falling in love with you. If you say I love you, she will probably say it, too.

When your friend who is a girl likes you?

A friend that is a girl likes you, then you have to decide if you like her more as a friend too. Taking the relationship to a different level will change things. It may also ruin your friendship.

What if you want to go out with a girl or her friend but you don't know which one likes you?

What if you want to go out with a girl or her friend but you don't know which one likes you?Read more: What_if_you_want_to_go_out_with_a_girl_or_her_friend_but_you_don't_know_which_one_likes_you

You just told a girl you like her and your friend likes her and she turned him down and she likes you. What do you do?

You should think about whether the girl or your friend is more important. Try talking to your friend feel about it and then make your decision.

What do you do if you like a boy but he doesn't know if he likes you or your best friend?

if he talks more to you then he likes your friend because guys are shy so they do not talk to the girl they like. So if the guy talks more to your friend then he likes you.