Bella is immune to all vampire powers that are mental. Things that are mentally done, have no affect on her.
She is immune to edward, for her thoughts are mental, and because her power is to prevent that, it blocks him out.
A great example is Jane. She has the power to inflict terrible pain onto someone but it is not real, she just forces them to mentall imagine and create the pain within a person. Bella is able to block it out because it is a MENTAL attack.
Alice is able to see Bella simply because she can see the future, but not the decisions or thoughts behind them, not mental.
Jasper's power, though commonly misconcieved at mental is not. Feelings and emotions is something that becomes physical, not mental, those he is able to use his power and manipulate her emotions as well as others.
When Bella becomes a vampire, she is a "shield", as it is categorized by the Volturi. This means that she is immune to all mental powers that are possessed by other immortals. She can also push the shield out to include those around her, and she can or push it away from her. This is only ever used when she wanted Edward to hear her thoughts. When the others around her are not in the shield, they cannot see her or anyone else in the shield.
Bella has a gift that she is immune to all mind gifts. Like Edward cant hear Bella just like Aro. Jane cant hurt her with her mind painfulness. Alec cant make Bella feel nothing either. So when Bella becomes a vampire, she will be able to push the shield out from herself and defend others.
the AR quiz answer is: Jane’s glare had no effect on her
Thy don't. But the reason why some vampires might be called Edward is because vampires are old and Edward is an old name, so the author may have chosen for that vampire to be called Edward, but there are a a lot of vampire stories which don't have a vampire called Edward in.
Victoria had the talent of self preservation. Throughout Twilight, New Moon, and most of Eclipse, she was not able to be tracked. At the end of the book in Breaking Dawn, Victoria's name DOES have a star next to it for this very reason. She was able to be caught by the Cullan's and wolf pack.
It is in Italy when she visits the voturi and she is immune from all powers
Artemis is immune to all of Aphrodite's love powers, so no.
To drink blood, If a Vampire bat, to send out a radar. As can all bats.
impossible no one vampire is the same as the next. you can drink animal blood to be like him at least...
If he changed you into a vampire. but he might kill you . A good number of vampires have gathered themselves a community of thralls which they feed off of. If the vampire has enough thralls then the burden upon all of them is not dangerous. In time a human that has had a long and intimate contact with a vampire become immune to the vampire contagin and will not become a vampire after they die.
Bella loves Edward with all her heart and soul and she doesnt care that he is a vampire. Bella would do anything for Edward even if it means becoming a vampire.
He could make a potion that made people lose all rational thought.
Anne Rice is an American novelist who is most famous for her Vampire Chronoicles [Interview with the Vampire, the Vampire Lestat, Queen of the damned, etc] She also wrote the screenplay for Interview with the Vampire which came out in 1994. Her novels led to the Vampire Revival of the 1990s in which the concept of the 'beautiful' and 'mortal-minded' vampire became more and more popular. In all honesty, she is the core of all the immortal/vampire teenage books of this generation. Please read her novels. They are extremely spellbinding and thought-provoking. -Fabiola9
All of the colonial powers trained and used Black soldiers. The French, British and Portuguese all had them.
When Bella becomes a vampire, she is a "shield", as it is categorized by the Volturi. This means that she is immune to all mental powers that are possessed by other immortals. She can also push the shield out to include those around her, and she can or push it away from her. This is only ever used when she wanted Edward to hear her thoughts. When the others around her are not in the shield, they cannot see her or anyone else in the shield.
In the Twilight series, Rosalie Hale has enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, and senses as a vampire. Additionally, she possesses a beauty and allure that captivates those around her. Her vampire abilities are similar to those of other vampires in the series.
Immune is the wrong word. There are vampires that are unaffected by garlic, as it has no special meaning to vampires in general. Count Dracula had a strong adverse reaction to the stuff and from his fame the stereotype has become applied to all vampires. If you are being molested by a vampire do not count on garlic to save you.