Mostly long grey robes with a silver belt. A tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which a white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots. A staff that looked like twisted vines.
Frodo knows Gandalf because Gandalf was like Bilbo (Frodo's grand-uncle) guardian on Bilbo's adventures. Now, Frodo knows Gandalf through Bilbo.
Gandalf was known by different names to different peoples: Gandalf to Northern men, Mithrandir to the elves and Dunedain (as in Gondor), and Tharkun to the Dwarves. Olorin was his true name as a Maia.
The hobbits of the Shire might describe describe Gandalf as wise, powerful, and fun-filled.(Gandalf is over 3000 years old!)
Gandalf believes in Bilbo, and he says in the book that he wouldn't of brought-en him if he wasn't in good use.
Gandalf gives him a good whoopen
Gandalf was originally known as Gandalf the Grey. After his rebirth, he became Gandalf the White in replacement of Saruman. Gandalf the Grey and after his resurrection he became Gandalf the White.
Gandalf....simple as that.
Gandalf - band - was created in 1993.
Gandalf Technologies ended in 1997.
Gandalf Airlines was created in 1998.
Gandalf Alfgeirsson died in 768.