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Padme is 5 years older than Anakin

padme is 19 year old and 9 year old in episode 1

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12y ago
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14y ago

Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala Naberrie (Skywalker) are 4.5 (four and half) years apart in age.

In Ep I TPM Anakin is 9 and Padmé is 14. EP I take place just before Anakins 10th birthday that year.

In Ep II AOTC Anakin turns 20, as noted by Shmi his mom and Padmé is 24. The film is a decade later from the first film.

In Ep III ROTS, Anakin is 23 and Padmé is 27. Ep III is thirteen years after Ep I and 3 years after Ep II.

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6y ago

Anakin Skywalker was 9 years old in Episode 1. He was a few weeks away from his 20th birthday in Episode 2. Anakin was 23 years old in Revenge of the Sith. He was 41 in A New Hope and he was 45 when he died in Return of the Jedi

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14y ago

Ahsoka is 14 years old. But as for Anakin's age in the Clone Wars show, I'm not entirely sure because the official timeline hasn't been confirmed yet. But since Anakin was 23 in "Revenge of the Sith," my best guess is that he is 22 years old.

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13y ago

Anakin Skywalker was 20 years old and Padme was 23 years old.

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13y ago

They were married for two years. Padme was 24 when she was married. She died when she was 26. Therefore, the marriage ended, because Padme died.

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16y ago

After Return of the jedi padme is 48

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11y ago

25 (She is 5 years older than Anakin)

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13y ago

Anakin is either 20 or 21

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4y ago

That would be 10

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What was Luke Skywalker's father's name?

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. He had no Father. Anakin was raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker. When he was 9 years old, Qui-Gon Jin gambled for him from Anakin's master. He was raised as a Jedi, and fell in love with and married Padme Amidala, Former Queen and Senator of Naboo. They had a secret marriage, and she became pregnant with Luke and Leia Skywalker. She died when she had them, and Obi-Wan Kenobi took them to Anakin's Step-brother and Step-sister-in-law, because Anakin turned to the Dark side.

Does Obi-Wan Kenobi love Ahsoka Tano?

It's very possible, but Anakin definitely doesn't because he is in love and married to Padme. Or.... I recall episode 2 season 2, which when Ahsoka was locked up, and Bane was trying to kill ahsoka or make anakin open the holocron, it went like this: Ahsoka: no master! Don't do it! Anakin: I can't let you die Ahsoka, that or we al laugh at their little fights and they seem to well compliment each other very well. That's my idea, Adri998 out :)

How did Anakin turn bad?

Because Anakin lost his mother several years before and was angry about it. Then he discovered his secret wife, Padme, was pregnant. Next, he had some nightmares about his wife dying in childbirth and he wanted to find a way to stop it from happening. THEN, Palpatine manipulated Anakin to think that the dark side could save his wife from "certain death." After Anakin turns to the dark side, it doesn't help when Padme confronts him and tries to turn him back to the light. In his rage, he force chokes and kills Padme.

What age was Kevin Jonas when he got married?

Kevin Jonas isn't married

How old was Anakin in episode 3?

Anakin Skywalker is 22 years old in episode III and is a Jedi knight under the apprentice of obi wan kenobi and diseased Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn.

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What did padme' do to kill herself?

Anakin became Darth Vader, so the one Padme loved was lost to the Dark Side. She fully recoved from being choked, but still died from a broken heart. **More specifically she died during the birth of Luke and Leia, but was weakened significantly by Anakin's betrayal and also the exhaustion of childbirth.

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Anakin was a few weeks away from his 20th birthday when "Attack of the Clones" took place.

What was Luke Skywalker's father's name?

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. He had no Father. Anakin was raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker. When he was 9 years old, Qui-Gon Jin gambled for him from Anakin's master. He was raised as a Jedi, and fell in love with and married Padme Amidala, Former Queen and Senator of Naboo. They had a secret marriage, and she became pregnant with Luke and Leia Skywalker. She died when she had them, and Obi-Wan Kenobi took them to Anakin's Step-brother and Step-sister-in-law, because Anakin turned to the Dark side.

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It's very possible, but Anakin definitely doesn't because he is in love and married to Padme. Or.... I recall episode 2 season 2, which when Ahsoka was locked up, and Bane was trying to kill ahsoka or make anakin open the holocron, it went like this: Ahsoka: no master! Don't do it! Anakin: I can't let you die Ahsoka, that or we al laugh at their little fights and they seem to well compliment each other very well. That's my idea, Adri998 out :)

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