Roman Totenberg was 101 years old when he died on May 8, 2012.
(birthdate: January 1, 1911).
Richard Daniel Roman is 46 years old (birthdate: March 16, 1965).
Tami Roman (Tamisha Akbar) is 47 years old (birthdate April 17, 1970).
Lika Roman was born on May 12, 1985. So she's 26 years old.
made in the 50's
Turned 19 on January 30, 2011.
Roman Totenberg was born on January 1, 1911.
Roman Totenberg was born on January 1, 1911.
Roman Totenberg died on May 8, 2012, in Newton, Massachusetts, USA of renal failure.
Nina Totenberg is 67 years old (birthdate: January 14, 1944).
Nina Totenberg was born on January 14, 1944.
Nina Totenberg was born on January 14, 1944.
Amy Totenberg was born on 1950-12-29.
The Colbert Report - 2005 Nina Totenberg 2-8 was released on: USA: 19 January 2006
Capitalize "Old" and "Roman" in the phrase "the Old Roman calendar."
How old Do you have to Be To Be A Roman Gladiator ???
The cast of Girl from Birch Creek - 2012 includes: Nina Totenberg
a old roman building