Tami Farrell's birth name is Tami Nichole Farrell.
Tami Monroe is 4' 10".
Tami Nasu was born on October 7, 1969, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Michael John Wagner
Tami Sanders
Tami Roman's birth name is Tami Akbar.
Tami Roman from Basketball Wives is 5'9" tall.
Tami Roman was born on April 17, 1970, in Mount Vernon, New York, USA.
Marlon Wayne
April 17
She has 2 Daughters :)
Tami Hoag is 52 years old (birthdate: January 20, 1959).
Tami Erin is 43 years old (birthdate: July 8, 1974).
In my opnion. I don't think so for long in this seasonl sason 4 . Tami is going to find out one day . What kind of person that Evelyn is . I hope that Tami and Kesha going to be good friends one day. I still have that love for you Tami Roman remember that love Kia aka Pooh...
Tami roman allegedly makes approximate. $55,000.00 Per Episode as she's vastly became reality TV Star Basketball Wives Cast
American actress Tami Roman has had appearances in well over 20 televisions shows in her career. She has been a recurring member of shows Moonlight and Belle's, but is best known for the reality show Basketball Wives.
Tami Hunter's birth name is Tami Horetski.