Lika Kremer's birth name is Aylika Gidonovna Kremer.
Richard Daniel Roman is 46 years old (birthdate: March 16, 1965).
Tami Roman (Tamisha Akbar) is 47 years old (birthdate April 17, 1970).
Roman Totenberg was 101 years old when he died on May 8, 2012. (birthdate: January 1, 1911).
made in the 50's
Lika Roman was born on 1985-05-12.
The population of Lika is 50,000.
Lika Mutal has written: 'Lika Mutal' -- subject(s): Exhibitions
"lika". As in I lika the spaghetti.
The cast of Lika mot lika - 1906 includes: Helfrid Lambert as Suzanne Tollie Zellman as Clara, kammarjungfru
Savva Lika was born in 1970.
Lika MC was born in 1972.
The area of Lika is 5,000 square kilometers.
The Lika Cinema was created in 2008.
Lika Minamoto is 170 cm.
Lika Sidorova goes by Liks.
The duration of The Lika Cinema is 2 hours.