Rayan Lopez (Ray Ray) is 21 years old. He was born on January 6, 1996.
Rayan is his real NAME not Raquan and he is currently 17
Ray Ray (Rayan Lopez) was born on January 6, 1996.
Prodigy is 15 years old.
prodigy turns 15 in december and rayray turns 15 in January
When he was 11 years old.
His name is Rayan Lopez and he is currently 17 years of age
I think he is 13 teen years old.
Rayan is his real NAME not Raquan and he is currently 17
The guys from Mindless Behavior were eleven years old, and were discovered in 2008.
priceton from mindless behavior is 14.
Ray Ray (Rayan Lopez) was born on January 6, 1996.
The lead singer of Mindless Behavior is Prodigy and he is 14 years old as of 2011.
princeton is 13 on mindless behavoir
u have to be 13 or older to date mindless behavior
The band, Mindless Behavior, started training together in 2008. Roc Royal (Chresanto August), was born on July 23, 1997, and he was 10 years old when the band started training. Princeton (Jacob Anthony Perez) was born on April 26, 1996 and he was 11 years old when the band started training. Ray Ray (Rayan Lopez) was born on January 6, 1996 and he was 12 years old when the band started training. Prodigy (Craig Crippen) was born on December 26, 1996 and he was 11 years old when the band started training.