Ray Ray (Rayan Lopez) was born on January 6, 1996.
My true love ray ray birthday is January 6 he loves in Los angels California real name is Randy ranson
Mindless Behavior do not like haters
Mindless Behavior fans are called Team Mindless
No, none of the members of Mindless Behavior are known to smoke.
3/22/11 is when mindless behavior will be on the show!
I think yes 3233196060 is mindless behavior real numder because if it wasn't they would not say hi this is me prinstin from mindless behavior
What happened to ray ray forehead
Yes that is his real hair it's just really long.
Can mindless behavior sing for my 12th birthday
Where can i get mindless behavior birthday decoration
Go to Mindlessbehavior.com and click on mindless behavior info and that is how you say happy birthday to mindless behavior omline
nun your business
roc royal's birthday from mindless behavior is on July 23.....anything else
Rayray's name is aleays mistaken for these names: randy and raymond. Rayrays real name is raquan smith.
Mindless Behavior itself doesnt have a birthday.....but the boys of Mindless Behavior do.Prodigys Birthday is December 26,1996,Roc Royals Birthday is July 23,1997,Ray Rays birthday is January 6,1997,and Princetons birthday is April 21,1997
Prodigy's birthday is December 26th.