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Phil is the father of luke, Haley and Alex and the husband of Claire

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Ty Burrell

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Q: How old is Phil in modern family?
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In Modern Family who is Claires husband?

Claire's husband in Modern Family is Phil Dunphy.

How old are Claire Phil Haley Alex and Luke supposed to be on Modern Family?

Phil is 41. Claire is 42. Haley is 19. Alex is 14. Luke is 11.

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Modern Family - 2009 Phil on Wire 3-3 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:AL

Who is in Modern Family?

Phil is the father of luke, Haley and Alex and the husband of Claire

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How old is Haley duphy on modern family?

She is about 17.

What are the ratings and certificates for Modern Family - 2009 The Old Wagon 2-1?

Modern Family - 2009 The Old Wagon 2-1 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:AL

How old is Phil daddario?

Phil is 3 years old

How old is Phil from Phil of the future now?

Ricky Ullman, (Phil), is currently 23 years old.

Does skipping burn more calories than running?

yes! see modern family season 2 episode about the school dance (phil says it)

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Modern Family - 2009 The Old Man and the Tree 5-10 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG

How old is Phil brookes?

Phil brookes is 31