Phil is 3 years old
Leslie Phillips is 87 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1924).
Duncan Phillips is 49 years old (birthdate: March 3, 1964).
Phil Demmel is 44 years old (birthdate: April 1, 1967).
Phil Vassar is 47 years old (birthdate: May 28, 1964).
Phil Phillips was born on March 14, 1931.
Phil Phillips was born on March 14, 1931.
a Phillips gutar
Phil Tead's birth name is Phillips Tead.
Phil Phillips
Phil Phillips-1959
Phil Phillips- Home
He is sick with a kidney stone.
Phil is 3 years old
Phil Phillips had a build up of kidney stones, a very painful condition. In interviews with his parents, it was stated that he had eight surgeries for this condition while on Idol, and that this was coupled with lack of sleep due to the difficult schedule he was on.
Wade Phillips (son of 'Bum' Phillips) is 70 years old (born June 21, 1947).