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In the book Mockingjay, the third book in The Hunger Games series, Katniss Everdeen was seventeen (17) years old. We get this evidence from "My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am SEVENTEEN years old. My home is

District 12, etc.

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Jennifer Lawrence is 20, in Mockingjay Katniss is 17, in the first book she's 15, and the third she's 16.

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Q: How old is Katniss Everdeen in real life?
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How old was kaniss everdeen when she got married?

Katniss Everdeen was 17 years old when she got "married". he announced in in an interveiw in the 75th hunger games

How old is Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games?

Katniss Everdeen was 16. In Mockingjay she was 17.

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Jennifer Lawrence was 21 years old when the movie was filmed.

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When her father died in a mine explosion, her mother was so devastated that she zoned out, leaving an 11-year-old Katniss on her own to fend for herself and her family

Who play katniss in hunger games?

Jennifer Lawrence plays the role of Katniss Everdeen in the movie 'The Hunger Games', which was released on March 23, 2012.Jennifer Lawrence plays the part of Katniss Everdeen in all the Hunger Games movies. Hope thishelped!

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Katniss Everdeen played by Jennnifer Lawrence

What is Katniss family situation?

At the very end of the chapter when the name of the girl tribute is called Katniss' sister Prim is called. Katniss is shocked, and in the very beginign of chapter 2 she volunteers herself as a tribute in replacement of her sister.

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Katniss Everdeen's favorite food is the Capitol's lamb stew with dried plumbs.

How does mrs everdeen act?

Mrs. Everdeen tries to make it up to Katniss and Primrose by doing nice things for them. Katniss doesn't want to accept them, but she does for her father's sake. When Katniss's father died, she fell into a depression, so she was very distant from the eleven-year-old Katniss and seven-year-old Prim. When Katniss recieves a bag of cookies from Peeta's father, she accepts them, but on the train she decides to have nothing to do with either of them, and when the train stops to refill with grass, she tosses the bag of cookies out the window and they split open near a dandelion. She is reminded of the dandelion she saw at the schoolyard. She and Prim looked in their mother's plant book and found plants to heal wounds and eat. Katniss started to hunt and gather, and soon they were able to survive. On May 8th, she went to the Justice Building to sign up for tesserae. She hauled the first load of tesserae home in Prim's toy wagon. Mrs. Everdeen slowly returned to them, and one day Katniss heard her singing. Prim was thrilled to have her back, but Katniss still doesn't trust her and waits for her to slip away again. She tries to be forgiving for her father's sake, but she states she is not the forgiving type.

Why does Katniss miss her old life?

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How old do you have to be to go on in real life?

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