Katniss Everdeen's favorite food is the Capitol's lamb stew with dried plumbs.
Katniss Everdeen was a very brave and curageous character. Before The Hunger Games, she liked to hunt with her best friend, Gale in the woods to either eat as food or sell. Katniss didnt really enjoy anything else because she was to busy taking care of her family. Katniss didnt really ahve any fun except for when she was with Gale hunting
Things she loved would have to be hunting and District 12. If you more so meant people, then first and foremost would be her sister, Prim. Something mentioned through each book.
In time at least she realizes she loves Gale and Peeta both, and despite her initial misgivings it would be safe to assume she loves her mother.
His favorite things to buy are paintings.
Katniss's nails looked like flames. She treasured them baacause they were one of the only things she had from Cinna at that moment. They were beautiful nails, and took careful work.
Huge. Rue reminds Katniss of her younger sister in their personality, the way they interpret things, their not willing to take lives, and they way they stand like a bird about to take flight
Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
never mentioned
She loved Archery.
never mentioned
Green, Peeta's is orange.
Gale's favorite food is never confirmed in The Hunger Games. He hunts with Katniss, so most would assume deer, squirrels, things he catches in the woods for his family, etc.
Gale's favorite food is never confirmed in The Hunger Games. He hunts with Katniss, so most would assume deer, squirrels, things he catches in the woods for his family, etc.
She loved Archery.
the meadow song (sung to prim) :)