Yes Taylor launtner is in twilight new moon
who cares? i'd take him home any day :P
Hey, there's not too much information about Taylor's workout on the internet. But WE have his workout on our site, just go here:
cxfcggfhgfgh gnhghfghgygygtuy gygy gfdgf ggfty eeyyt hg fgfhgygyg gyguyguiuy gygyuyu yu tgytuyugv gfvgfygtuyttgguguyiyiuui uyuy yu uyuiyiuyo ouiuiuiououiuo yuuyiuuuiuoupp ioiuiyguyuhguygyyuhiyyuyuyuyuyiiuyuyiuyuiyiuyuuiy uyui yggu huyiuy uguuyuyuy yiui uouu yuy yuuuoguytyt
It's none of your business. It's up for him to know and you to find out. Or you not to worry about.
Taylor Lautner has one pet a matalese dog named Roxy.
four weiners
I wish :P
he only has one!!
it depends on the movie
boxers in one of his posters you can see the aeropostale logo of his boxers omg i luv Taylor lautner soooooooooooooooo much I <3 Taylor 4ever
Taylor Lautner had to gain 30 pounds of muscle to be in New Moon
i think PHWOARR pretty much sums it up!