probably wealthy as he is a teenage dream, he does touring, he makes his own songs with his BROTHERS, He has his own tour DVD, They make their own merchandise, and they star in there own tv programme...
Joe and his brothers, Kevin and Nick, make millions of dollars. I don't think the amount has ever officially been released. Let's just put it this way: They make enough.
That's right but I don't think they think about money. I think there aim is to please there fans and stay pure and just live a good life. Don't judge someone just for there money. I love the Jonas brothers because of there personalities and i no your not meant to but there gorgeous looks! god bless! xxx
I seen on a magazine, I don't know if it's true, but it said they make 12 million, so it'd be like 4 million per Jonas.
well, i don't think that they actually get a hunk of cask all at one time, i think they earn it.
yes..well Joe Jonas plays Joe Lucas in the Jonas Brothers' new show on Disney Channel, JONAS.
Joe Jonas is alergic to shrimp.
Joe Jonas has 1 child
The isn't a character in Harry Potter named Joe Jonas. Joe Jonas is the lead singer for the band The Jonas Brothers.
No, Joe Jonas has hazel eyes.
joe Jonas ways 145 pounds
Kevin Jonas is i think 3 years older than joe
On what..?
No, Joe Jonas is currently very much alive.
Because he's Joe Jonas. [: Because he's Joe Jonas. [: Thats what I Wonder everyday...he SOOO rocks my world..ahhh
According to Jonas Brothers live chat Joe Jonas's favorite song written by Jonas Brothers is Much Better.
Joe Jonas is not jeolous of Robert Pattinson. He likes his fans as much as Rob's.
He says he is worth $1.25
joe is joe Jonas nick is nick Jonas Kevin is Kevin Jonas
Joe Jonas does very much like soccer. As does he like baseball and a lot of other sports.
ya he is so much better then joe Jonas well that's my opinion
joe jonas