Maybe between 50 or 100 dollars
So go to that concert and fall in love with Justin Bieber
The price range differs depending on were you get the tickets :)
Scooter Bruan will let you meet Justin bieber if you ask hi nicely. Im going to meet Justin Bieber i bought ticket to meet n greet. I love Justin bieber so much i can't wait to meet him in person finally im going to take pics with him and i bought VIP tickets. I am going to hang out with Justin bieber for the hole day. I'll geyt to meet his mom pattie it will be so much fun. To top that of im going on tour with Justin bieber he gave me tickets to go on tour with him.Im Justin bieber's number #1 Fan . Hope you all get to meet Justin bieber
Justin Bieber was almost signed by Justin Timberlake! But Justin manager thought that was to much Justin for Justin Bieber to handle! So Usher signed him and took him in under his wing!
for good seats i mean in front row it would cost u around 225.00
It depends on where and when the concert is being held.
$ 1
Around 200 bucks
I really have no idea how much or how to get them
not worth it thats how much but on average 850 to 2000
It depends on the venue, date and time of the concert
It is reported that Justin Bieber earns $300,000 per concert.
Justin Bieber concert tickets cost 5$-1000$.(i know that's alot of money isn't it) sry for the one who answered that but i don't think it's true cause if it's like that no one would go to the concert
Tickets for Justin Bieber's believe tour is on for general public and the tickets are selling fast. At present the ticket rates starts at $156 for his concert at Glendale Arena that is scheduled on Sep 29th. Ticket rates may vary depends on the date you book before the concert. Hurry up to grab it when it is cheaper.
Well, you have to pay with your straightness, self dignity, and $200. Sort of like a transvestite hooker.
to much to see an untalented artist like Justin bieber
some tims it could be $130 - $250 so save up or beg ur parents