Naruto is a anime show that debuted on TV Tokyo in Japan in 2002. The Naruto series has 220 episodes, 135 of the episodes being based on the manga and the other 85 being exclusive to the anime.
No episodes exist of naruto training with jiraiya as that 3 years in the story was the transition from naruto to naruto shippuden. Some flashbacks of the training are shown during the first couple of episodes of shippuden
In the Naruto anime series, there are 220 regular episodes, including everything like fillers and plot parts. There is then a 2 year gap (in the storyline), and the next episode beigins the Naruto Shippuden series, which begins 2 years later, and is continuing on as of currently...
The first few episodes.
The best website to watch safe naruto episodes is when you get on the website then you need to type in naruto and it will show you all of the seasons including shippuden.
All of them there are 235 episodes of naruto shippuden
There are 220 episodes of the original Naruto Series, and 229 episodes and counting for Shippuden. Overall, there are 449 episodes in Naruto so far.
There is a total of 220 episodes in the anime, "Naruto." But then, there is the sequel, "Naruto Shippuden." Naruto Shippuden has over 170 episodes currently. Hope I helped you!
who safe naruto in the final episodes
There are 220 episode of 'Naruto' but the second part of the series 'Naruto Shippuden' is still running. So far I tink there's 50 episodes of 'Naruto Shippuden' it is now 213 episodes in shippuden
You can see naruto episodes on line @
yes some characters got strong
Try Narutocentral for links to download Naruto Episodes
It is unclear.For all episodes of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden visit http://naruto.animefi.comYou can watch all the episodes there for free.
There are 220 Naruto episodes without the shippuuden series.
Naruto episode 107 - 108