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Actually, there is NO set amount for how Sharingan there are. After the first three basic levels of Sharingan, you hit Mangekyo Sharingan. Once you reach there, each person has a different Mangekyo Sharingan with a different power. For example, Itachi's has the power to bend time and space whenever he looks into your eyes. Kakashi's alters dimensional space.

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Why did Danzou have a lot of sharingans?

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How many sharingans will Sasuke have?

Hel will have 2 his own and Itachi's

How do you make sharingans?

Use lenses or photoshop

What does Izuna Uchiha's Sharingan do?

The same as all Sharingans

What are the sharingans?

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Are there real sharingans?

LOL ... NONE... if you want to have sharingan then buy contact lens in the market...

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Does Sasuke go through all the stages of the sharingan?

yes he does because after the battle with naruto and sasuke he laughs and his eyes change into all the sharingans

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There are many different kinds of sharingan.they are(1st slump,2nd slump,3rd slump,mangekyo form 1,mangekyo form 2,hawkeye sharingan,and internal sharingan.)

Is Sasuke's sharingan stronger than danzo's?

Sasuke's sharingan is stronger, he beats Danzo... - Sasuke's sharingan surpasses Danzou olnly because the sharingan is a bloodline limit and danzou does not posses enough chakra to fully use the all of the sharingan , do you want me to explain how danzou obtained so many sharingans ?

Itachi said there were 3 mangekyuo sharingan users including sasuke.What does this have to do with anything?

Quite a few things. Mengenkyou sharingans are EXTREMELY POWERFUL Three different mengenkyou sharingans sealed a demon that created the uchiha clan, and those three users could possibly re-aweken said demon. Also, there are four. Uchiha Madara (Tobi) has one, Itachi (dead) has one ( in his death he gives his powers to Sasuke apparently) and Kakashi has one in his one eye. So technically there are four users.