His dad is called Daniel Lautner His mum is called Deborah Lautner
His sister is called Makena Lautner
Taylor lautner
No, Taylor Lautner does not speak Dutch.
no taylor lautner is a free man
Yes Taylor Lautner is very attractive
Taylor Lautner's religion is a Roman Catholic..
Taylor Lautner has been with 6 girls
Taylor has one teenage sister but no brother
Taylor Daniel Lautner Taylor Daniel Lautner
Taylor Daniel Lautner is Taylor Lautner's full birth name; his real name is Taylor Lautner.
No Taylor Lautner is not gay
Taylor only has one younger sister, Makena.
Taylor Lautner does not have a Facebook account but has many fan sites. If you type in 'Taylor Lautner' in Facebook search you are bound to find some groups.
No, Bill Lautner is not Taylor Lautner's father. Taylor Lautner's father is named Daniel Lautner.
Taylor Lautner's birth name is Taylor Daniel Lautner.
Taylor Lautner
no, they broke up. But if they had stayed together and gotten married in theory they would both be Taylor Lautner. These days many women keep their maiden name when they get married. So if Taylor S. had so chosen she would remain Taylor Swift.
no Taylor Lautner is not gay! Do you know how many girlfriends he has had? That was just a rumor that started on twitter.