In the film there were around 200,000 - 600,000 orcs
in the book there was no real figue but according to the characters in the book it was an army with a size beyond comprehension. So i guess the films were about right.
There are many orcs in The Hobbit. The main antagonist amongst the orcs, however, is Azog the White Orc, who killed Thorin's father.No but jackson has him in the movie anyway it sucks
There are men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, orcs, and many other species, if that is what you're asking.
J.R.R. Tolkien was the one who originally created orcs, yes. Although they also appeared in some of his other Middle Earth-related books, mainly The Hobbit, which is the prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
There are a number of unpleasant characters in Lord of the Rings, such as Denethor, Grima Wormtongue, Gollum, orcs, wargs, and the black riders (Nazgul) but the two 'villians' are The Dark Lord Sauron and Saruman the Wizard.
Lurtz was the leader of the Uruk-hai .
Hundreds of thousands, most likely. In the movie the Whie Wizard said the army was 10,000
When you encounter the Trolls and bosses throw the heat spears at them. With Gandalf use the hold Y attack he has when you're encountering a large group of orcs.
The Glossary includes a timeline of the War of the Rings and has the following entry for March 18, 3019: The Host of the West marches from Minas Tirith. Frodo comes in sight of the Isenmouthe; he is over-taken by Orcs on the road from Durthang to Udûn.
First of all, the movie portrays it incorrectly. The Army of the Dead never went to Minas Tirith. They did, however, fight in two battles. First, as the Grey Company traveled into Gondor, they came across the men of Morthond fighting orcs for the Blackroot river. These orcs were killed. Then they went and destroyed the Corsair fleet at Pelargir. Here Aragorn released the Army of the Dead and let them rest in peace.
Hasufel was a horse of the Rohirrim, ridden by Garulf of Rohan. After Garulf's death, Hasufel was loaned to Aragorn by Eomer in recompense for the accidental and only apparent slaying of Merry and Pippin by Eomer's riders. Aragorn rode Hasufel to find the hobbits taken by the orcs, and to Helm's Deep. There, Hasufel was returned to Eomer. From there, he was probably ridden to the battle in defense of Minas Tirith with the forces of Theoden.
In order to capture Minas Tirith, you would first have to break through their outer gate under a barrage of arrows. Once inside the main gate, you would still have to fight your way through legions of soldiers to the second gate. This pattern would continue up the tiers of the city until you finally reach the palace where you would encounter either the steward or king of Gondor, depending on the time period of your invasion. Such an attack would take hundreds of thousands of soldiers, so it might be best to send in the expendable, mutilated orcs first, followed by the more skilled and hardy Easterlings. A battering ram of substantial size will be needed to break through the main gate, but hammer wielding trolls will be sufficient for the inner gates.
There are no living orcs in Oblivion in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. However, there are many orcs throughout Cyrodil that you can find while not within one of the Oblivion gates.
Of course not. Nobody likes Orcs, even Orcs don't like Orcs!
Mordor Orcs are Orcs from the Land of Mordor and are loyal to Sauron
It is difficult to give an exact number, but the War of Wrath involved a massive conflict between the forces of Morgoth and the Valar, including many orcs, dragons, and other creatures. The orcs were a significant part of Morgoth's army, but the exact number is not specified in the texts.
The Orcs of Thar was created in 1988.
No, more orcs in Mordor exist than Uruk-Hai orcs from Isengard.