I know of three, though he has said he speaks "about half a dozen"
He almost certainly speaks Spanish and German would also be very likely.
He also speaks Pidgin (if that can be considered a language; it's how he communicated in Papua New Guinea), plus a Congo River trade dialect whose name I forget. He's seen in an episode "brushing up" on that language.
[caveat: Wade doesn't seem one to put on airs but River Monsters is still a reality show, so we should be suspect at assigning him an ability to speak a local language, even if he "seems" to be conversing one-on-one with locals).
he did not
Jeremy Wade, from the TV show River Monsters, has not publicly stated his sexual orientation.
I don't think he does
Yes, I know he has at least one brother because he is my maths teacher at school. I believe two brothers and a 'little' sister. Martin Wade is a photographer and the brother he has travelled with most.
He was arrested for supposedly spying in Malasia, this was false, obviously. He just had high-tech gear while he was fishing and the cops thought he was a spy.
1 million
Jeremy Wade is the unmarried Uncle of many nephews and a niece. He has a brother who is a teacher and a sister as far as I know. His parents are deceased. No wife yet
he did not
Jeremy Wade, from the TV show River Monsters, has not publicly stated his sexual orientation.
Wade Robson's birth name is Wade Jeremy William Robson.
Jeremy Wade never mentions a wife or significant other. Also on his website it says that he is not married :)
When was Wade Jeremy Williom Robson born
When was Wade Jeremy Williom Robson born
Jeremy Wade
he did not
yes he explains this in his intro to his show