how many Biancas are there in this world
there is 10000000000amandas in the world
too many
there r 1,970,316 Aaliyah's in this world.
Too many.. you should know that
yes, she was researching mystic falls and its vampire lore. she wanted to become a vampire so she went to damon and he turnt her. alaric (isobels husband) caught damon killing her but foundout later in the series that she got turnt. isobel is elena's mother and john gilbert is her father but elena hates him
Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know
Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know
How many Anna's are in the world?
How many Anna's are in the world?
How many of the world's population has what?
how many dictionaries in the world
how many Freya's are there in the world
No one knows how many animal are in the world there are many species in the world not be discovered yet
There are many, many farms all around the world. There are also many different types of farms around the world.
There are many countries in the world, a country cannot contain the world.
how many Elaine's are around the world