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I am not sure, but there are 3 Guitars to promote the game.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Yes, every Rock Band title is playable with just one controller, including drums and vocals. The same is true with the Guitar Hero games.

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What Guitars do in the band?

play the guitar part of the song

What band does Ringo Starr play in?

The Beatles.

Why is Yesterday not included on Beatles Rock Band?

Probably because the game is set up to play with two guitars, bass and drums. Yesterday is one guitar and vocal backed by a string quartet.

Can you play the beatles rock band on xbox360 with an xbox360 controller?

yes you can play the beatles rock band with the xbox360 controller if you have an xbox and if your singing

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The Beatles

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Can you play rock band using band hero instruments on the Wii?

Yes, you can. You can also play rock band with guitar hero guitars.

Why did the beatles wear their guitars so high up?

That was the style then, and they thought it was more comfortable and easier to play.

What kind of guitars does the band Maroon 5 play?

first act

How do you play guitar on The Beatles Rock band?

use your hands