

Best Answer

Every Child will get bullied it could be by there parents even if they are the bully

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Roslyn Walter

Lvl 10
3y ago
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Q: How many children get bullyed?
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How many kids are bullyed in the US?

about 10%

When were Jewish bullyed?

For generations.

How do you feel when you are bullyed?

you feel like :(

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that darrell did not tell anyone about him being bullyed by tyray.

Have people died from being bullyed?

yes the have

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No he was bullyed alot!

What is a lockergnome?

A kid in the locker in school. (bullyed etc)

How long do kids get bullyed?

For as long as the bully is bullying them.

What to do when bullyed?

first tell them to stop if they do not stop tell a teacher

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he was bullyed by his mam

What the percentage of kids bullyed in America?

about 50%

How many people got bullyed?

There are no true statistics because many individuals who are bullied tend to keep it to themselves for fear that the bully or bullies will make matters worse for them.