Former American football running back Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962 in Wrightsville, Georgia. As of 2010, he is still alive.
She had 2 sisters and 4 brothers, one of the brothers was William Herschel.
Herschel Lashkowitz was born in 1918.
Frederick Herschel was born in Germany.
William Herschel was born on November 15, 1738.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962
Herschel Walker retired in 1997.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962
Yes, Herschel Walker was in the 1992 Winter Olympics.
Click on the 'Herschel Walker's NFL Stats' link on this page to see a yearly breakdown of stats for Herschel Walker.
who are the parents of herschel Walker and doesn't he have a brother named Lorenzo? who are the parents of herschel Walker and doesn't he have a brother named Lorenzo?
No, Herschel Walker is not fighting in the UFC. He is fighting in Strikeforce
Herschel Walker went to University of Georgia (BA)
Herschel Savage's birth name is Harvey Joel Cowen.
Herschel Walker wore #34 while at Georgia.