Yes, water shortages all over the world have been occuring. We see the problems sitting there, growing every day but to due the amount of people suffering from it, we've ignore the bigger issues on how to stop the root of the problem. Lately though , I admit we've been more aware to them but in general we still have some huge obstacles to go through before we're finished.
The world will not run out of water as such but we are depleting underground water reserves faster than they are being replenished so agriculture may become more difficult.
There is a book on this topic: When the Rivers Run Dry: Water--The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-First Century
by Fred Pearce
You must have two legs, from there you will run until you can't run anymore!
The television show, "Father Knows Best" was on the air from 1954 until 1963. Despite its long run, it was not the first family show on television.
until armegddon
It ran for 8 seasons.
not very long.. unless its a really tiny jackhammer, like the size of a lunchbox
Until you drive so long your petrol tank is empty.
Until it stops.
Until they need to stop
Until you run out of fuel
Until it runs out of gas. * Until the battery is drained.
about 4% From 1960 until 2012, the long-run average rate of inflation in the United States was: about 4%.
Only until it overheats.
In the long run a Rheem Tankless water heater will save you money in the long run by heating the water faster and you will have to run the water for a shorter amount of time for it to heat up.
Until you run out of grass!!
It ran until he died and it still runs.
as long as they want until they need to spout the water
So long as there is enough water to run the turbines.