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You must have two legs, from there you will run until you can't run anymore!

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Q: How do you not get caught ding dong ditching?
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Can you get arrested for ding-dong ditching?


Are there any funny pranks besides ding dong ditching?

There are funny pranks to ding dong ditching. for example you can search on youtube for "ding dong ditch gone wrong" and there will come up a video of a black boy ding dong ditching a house, and that boy is me! I rang the doorbell once, ran away, the man came outside and went back in. I rang the doorbell the second time, he came and went back inside. I didn't notice, but when I went up there the third time, he was standing right by the door inside his house, and when I went up to the door, he chased me with a baseball bat. How funny is that!!

List some of the best places to hide while ding dong ditching?

In other people's backyards

Where should you hide while ding-dong-ditching?

By a tree or must run like heck and pray you don't get busted

What is September in Welsh?

ding dong ding dong ding dong

What is red and goes ding dong a red ding dong what is blue and goes ding dong a blue ding dong what is pink and goes ding dong?

The Avon lady ("Ding dong! Avon calling!")

What should you do if someone keeps on ding dong ditching your house?

keep a watch person in front of your house or some type of trap to set them up... or cameras

Who was the first to explore northeast Oklahoma?

ding dong digga digga dong=digga digga dong the cat is gone==ding dong digga digga dong==digga digga ding ding dong=

Ding the ding dong?

you've got to "ding the ding dong" by hitting "it" back and forth.

What is the carol of the bells alto part?

Ding, dong , Ding Dong , Ding Dong Ding Dong. One seems to hear Words of good cheer From everywhere, Filling the air. o how happy are their tones. Gaily they ring, while people sing, songs of good cheer Christmas is here. Ding dong, ding dong, that is their song with joyful all caroling. Ding dong ding dong dong on on they send, on without end, Their joyful tone to every home.

When was Ding-a-dong created?

Ding-a-dong was created on 2009-04-17.

When was Ding Dong Daddy created?

Ding Dong Daddy was created in 1966.