well.... he is 107 years old for a start, he addresses peoplee formally, he always takes caution before getting into problems, and..... he always has to be married before having sex .
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen was born on June 20th, 1901, and was turned, by Carlisle, in 1918, making him 17 forever. So, if you do the math, Edward is 110.
Edward Cullen all the way!!!!!!
Edward Cullen's dad name is Edward senior and Edward Cullen's mom name is Elizabeth
Edward Cullen = e.cAlice Cullen =a.cemmet Cullen = e.crosalie hale = r.hjasper hale = j.h(when Bella marries edward ) Bella Cullen =b.cesmee Cullen =e.ccarsliecullen +=c.c
Edward Cullen then Bella swan then later Bella Cullen
Bella Cullen is and forever will be 18 years old. Edward Cullen is and forever will be 17 years old.
Edward is very old-fashioned, considering being born in 1901, and all old-fashioned men are naturally a gentleman. -- First, the above statement is not true. There were and are plenty of old-fashioned men who are not gentlemen. Second, he isn't a gentleman, really, though his demeanor might convince you otherwise. He's abusive and controlling, and that is not gentlemanly.
The actor who plays Edward Cullen is Robert Pattinson. Robert Pattinson is 23 years old.
His full name as a vampire is Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. His old name was just Edward Anthony Mason.
In the "Twilight" series, Edward Cullen is over 100 years old. He was turned into a vampire in 1918 at the age of 17.
Edward Cullen Date of birth - June 20, 1901
Edward is Old English-derived and means: wealth protector.
who's edward by the way? Edward Cullen is a handsome 17-year-old boy,after Bella discovers that Edward is a vampire,Edward becomes Bella's boyfriend and they marry each other in Breaking Dawn.
Edward Cullen was born as a human June 20, 1901 so he would be 110 years 6 months and 7 days old.