Edward Cullen = e.c
Alice Cullen =a.c
emmet Cullen = e.c
rosalie hale = r.h
jasper hale = j.h
(when Bella marries edward ) Bella Cullen =b.c
esmee Cullen =e.c
carsliecullen +=c.c
a fictional character with the initials EC is Edward Cullen from the book series Twilight.
A Lion is the animal on the Cullen family crest
EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!! Eric Clapton
Esme Cullen, Carisle Cullen, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, and Jasper Hale.
Your initials are the reference initials. Like if your name is Konnor Krack Kid then your initials would be "KKK"
Edward Cullen's initials are EC.
a fictional character with the initials EC is Edward Cullen from the book series Twilight.
Carlilse Cullen
Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
There are seven members in the Cullen family in the Twilight series: Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.
A Lion is the animal on the Cullen family crest
Carlisle Cullen is the leader of the Cullen family.
EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!! Eric Clapton
my leats favourite would be Jasper
Renesmee Carlie Cullen, Bella's and Edward's daughter. Before Renesmee was born though, Bella was the newest member of the Cullen family, when she married Edward Cullen.