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Q: How is E-knee-bree-ated or drunk out of your mind.?
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Related questions

What is another word for drunk out of your mind?

Hammered, Plastered, buligerant, toasted

Is it correct if you say that wine doesn't besot my mind meaning that it doesn't get you drunk?

The statement is not correct, how do you know that it does not besot your mind, because wine will, and it will get you drunk. The statement is ambiguous and open to interpretation and is doubtful and of uncertain nature

How much of a drunk guy's semen would one need to drink in order to get oneself drunk?

Alcohol is not present in semen in any significant quantity. If he's drunk, why would.... Oh, never mind.

Does he like you or was he drunk?

You are the only person who can judge this. Bear in mind that the answer may be 'a bit of both'.

Do a drunk mouth really speak a sober mind?

Only if you're Chinese! Ne How

Is getting drunk physical or chemical?

it is chemical because it changes the way your mind works chemically

What does et get drunk on when Elliot leaves him home alone?

Something akin to sympathetic empathy or as Mr. Spock would have it a Mind Touch or psychological personality meld- not too different from ESP.

Is it true that an alcoholic speaks What is really on his mind when drunk?

An alcoholic is likely to speak whatever goes through his mind when drunk, whether he has ever considered it before or not.Good judgment and the ability to make good decisions are the first things that go when a person is drinking. That's what makes drinking and driving so dangerous. In vino veritas should actually be in vino "stupidas."

What is the perfect tense of drink?

The past perfect tense of drink is: (He) had drunk.

Do drunk girls get horney more than sober girls?

xD dork hahaha!!! Not necessarily. They lose their inhibitions and won't mind as much to have sex, but that doesn't mean they are hornier while drinking.

What is the 3 states of matter of water?

Water or H2O can be found in three states: a liquid (can be drunk), solid (ice for your drink) or a gas (humidity comes to mind).

What is considered as the hardest thing to clean?

I think for some it is the boredom associated with a clean and sober life. When you are high or drunk your mind does not think about boredom so much as when you are sober. It is also hard to kick the feelings that you feel when you are in the altered state of mind.