xD dork hahaha!!! Not necessarily. They lose their inhibitions and won't mind as much to have sex, but that doesn't mean they are hornier while drinking.
No, it does not, it just makes you more awake instead of falling asleep ( it is called being a wide awake drunk) No. It makes you more alert but the alcohol in your system is processed by the body at the same rate whether you drink coffee or not.
a drunk person might more easily die from cold exposure than a sober person because alcohol acts as a vasodilator which slows down the blood flow through the body.
i think it is about even but we women claim that men are always hornier.
No. They may show their narcissism more if drunk, but there are many sober narcisstic people. Many alcoholics and/or drug abusers are narcisstic.
FalseYou'll just be an awake drunk. It does nothing to sober you up or make you more alert. Only time, sleep and hydration will sober you up and return your sensibilities.
It depends on your size or weight, the bigger you are, the more beer you can drink while remaining sober.
It doesn't. It just makes you feel more alert. Your faculties remain impaired, and you are even more likely to do something else stupid. The only thing that can sober you up is time.
more sober and most sober He was more sober than me. But she was the most sober of all of us
well Gerard started drinking at a young age. in High School, to be more specific. he said it himself that he was a loner kid who got drunk all the time. but he got sober & quit drinking in 2004.
ask her out when she is sober and let things take their course. she will know that you are a gentleman and will be more impressed. Don't try anything while she is drunk, will ALWAYS backfire in the end
Coffee can help you feel more alert and combat fatigue, but it does not actually sober you up. Cold showers might make you feel more awake and alert temporarily, but they do not improve sobriety. The only way to sober up is to wait for your body to process the alcohol over time.
You cannot rely on anything anyone says when they are drunk Furthermore if a threesome did happen while someone is drunk you do run the risk of being charged with sexual batter / rape due to the fact she is not able to consent. Not to mention that they are willing to take more un-necessary risks then when they are sober which can mean an increased chance of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, and not to mention the anger that comes with participating in a threesome while drunk. If your wife gets drunk and wants a threesome the best thing to do is tell her 'no'. Once she sobers up talk to her about it and tell her if she wants a threesome you will only do it sober.Answer:Agree with the above answer. A threesome should only be done with everyone sober. However, having said that, the fact she indicated a desire to have a threesome while she is drunk means that the idea is in her mind even when she is sober. You do not come up with new ideas when you are drunk unless the idea was already there in the back recesses of one's mind. But back to sobriety...people obviously have more self-control when sober and better judgment will prevail. Whatever you do, don't force her to do a threesome. It has to come with her sober agreement.