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It doesn't. It just makes you feel more alert. Your faculties remain impaired, and you are even more likely to do something else stupid. The only thing that can sober you up is time.

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14y ago
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12y ago

u will jus feel soberish but u is still drunk just say im FADED hah

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Can coffee make you sober?

No. If you're drunk it may keep you awake, but it won't make you sober.

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What temp should the shower be if you are drunk?

A cold shower does not make a drunk person sober, all you will get out of that is a wet drunk. Only time will help

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The best way to sober up is to make yourself puke.

Will Coffee make an impaired driver sober.?

No, it does not, it just makes you more awake instead of falling asleep ( it is called being a wide awake drunk) No. It makes you more alert but the alcohol in your system is processed by the body at the same rate whether you drink coffee or not.

Does drinking coffee after drinking alcohol make any difference?

No coffee doesn't make you sober. It will just make you a hyper drunk. That was an old wives tale.

Why shouldn't you drink alcohol?

Drinking alcohol impairs you judgment. While drunk, you could make a decision you will later regret once you are sober.

Will you become more alert and responsive after heavy drinking coffee?

FalseYou'll just be an awake drunk. It does nothing to sober you up or make you more alert. Only time, sleep and hydration will sober you up and return your sensibilities.

Will a boy try and make out with you if he likes you when you are drunk?

It's most likely just the alcohol. You'll just have to ask him when he's sober whether he likes you.

Is it good to be sober?

Being sober means you are free from the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is generally considered beneficial for your physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being. However, it ultimately depends on the individual and their personal circumstances.

Does coffee and a cold shower sober you up?

Coffee can help you feel more alert and combat fatigue, but it does not actually sober you up. Cold showers might make you feel more awake and alert temporarily, but they do not improve sobriety. The only way to sober up is to wait for your body to process the alcohol over time.

Do you tell the truth when your drunk?

If you mean, does being drunk make people tell the truth, no. Sometimes people say things they wouldn't say if they were sober, because alcohol destroys your judgement. However, a liar will still lie, and a person who is truthful will probably still tell the truth.